Ncomputing Vspace Software For Windows 7 Free Download

If you newbie for NComputing, you will get lot of troubles in your first time NComputing software installation.
They provide you as a detailed guided pdf e book. But I think, it’s look like a lesson book. So Beginners can’t understand the installation and configuration method.
First of all, if you try to install NComputing VSpace software in Windows 7, it’s defiantly show error message like this

Ncomputing Vspace Software For Windows 7 Free Download

“You need administrative right to install this software. Installation failed” . Because default Windows administrator does not have all previlages to install msi fles. So you need to install NComputing software (.msi files) using command prompt.
First copy the installation .msi setup file in your desktop.
Click start button.
Type cmd in search box
Right click and select Run as Administrator option.

VSpace Pro 10 is our next-generation vSpace Desktop Virtualization software. This vSpace Pro release is a major maintenance release to the prior vSpace release, and includes many feature enhancements, UI/UX improvements, bug fixes and numerous optimizations. Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit). Supported NComputing Access Devices: L250, L300 and L350 (L-series) with firmware version 1.11.17; M300, MX100S and MX100D (M/MX-series) with firmware version 2.3.11; vSpace Client for Windows., version 1.9.0; vSpace Client for Chromebook., version; WARNING: Previous versions of vSpace Server can not be.

msiexec / i application name with location
Example :
msiexec / i A:application.msi in command prompt.

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Here my setup file located in desktop. So my application name with location is
It will run NComputing VSpace software in Windows 7. This is a simple solution to run Desktop visualization software in Windows 7.
But after installation you need to configure your Ncomputing system.
First create additional users with password using your Windows control panel. Right click on My Computer and choose Manage option.
Go to Local Users and Groups -> Groups.
Choose Remote Desktop Users option. Click add button. Type everyone in window and click ok button.
Now it’s add all users in remote desktop group.
Now go to additional client computer (it mean another monitor). press F5 to get settings. Add the same username and password which you previously created in Windows control panel. click connect button.